Friday Rewind

[Cross-posted #]

Oy. As much as I love how my free web site means my business has practically zero overhead (and as much as I love that cow), I’m starting to realize that if I want to be taken seriously as a web designer, I’m going to have to, y’know, design my own site. What a concept, I know. The good news is that I’ve got some inspiration for it (another cow!). The bad news is, who knows when I’ll have time to work on my own site, because I actually AM getting web design work (I just think I’d get more if people could see what I’m capable of at first glance instead of having to dig into my portfolio). But that’s also good news, because I’m in no great hurry to give up this whole all-profit thing I’ve got going.

Did I mention that this has been a trying day? Well, it has. It’s gotten better as the evening’s worn on, but I am so ready for the weekend. Not that it’s going to be very restful – I’ve got more inventory to add to my Etsy shop, and Husband has stuff he needs to sell (read: needs me to sell for him) on eBay. Plus there’s cleaning. Lots of cleaning, because my mother-in-law is coming over to hang out with us on Labor Day, and a friend is coming for dinner and a DVD the day after that. Which means I also need to get ahead on some of my web work and article writing. AND there’s editing to try to cram in there. I’m into the home stretch on the novel edits (as far as markups go, at least), and I think it’s a good sign that I’m enjoying reading it. Hopefully I’ll just have one more week of marking, and then I’ll get to the typing and actual re-writing. I think I’ve got a pretty good pace going for getting it done in time for NaNoWriMo.

I keep wanting to do a post about things I’ve learned from this round of editing, but that’s one of those thoughtful-type posts that I never have time to write. Especially now that I’ve given myself the goal of doing thoughtful-type industry posts over on my VA blog (more on that in the next goal-setting post).

Speaking of goals, to recap this week: I still need to finish cleaning my office. The storm door is on the back burner until we have a more steady source of income. I have the start of a pretty good idea about how to pay my business taxes, and I have a lot of notes that can be organized into a business and marketing plan, so that’s progress. And I already mentioned the editing. I don’t think I could have done more than I did this week, which is a pretty satisfying feeling.

How did you guys do? Are you satisfied with how your week went? Or do you need to scroll down and look at the kittehs to cheer yourselves up? Let me know! Meanwhile, I’m going to do my best to fit some actual rest into this crazy weekend.

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